This morning, our school held a "cheerleading" competition, the students are actively prepared, all want to win honor for the class, my heart is also very nervous, very worried about their mistakes will affect the results of the class.
上课铃响了,同学们排着整齐的队伍、手里拿着漂亮的啦啦花球来到操场上,比赛开始了,当那首熟悉的《青春修炼手册》响起的时候,同学们情不自禁的跟随音乐尽情的舞动着,“跟着我左手右手 一个慢动作,右手左手慢动作重播……”我们的心中充满着快乐,身体随着节奏跳跃着。多好听的音乐呀!
When the bell rang, the students came to the playground in a neat line with beautiful cheerleading flower balls in their hands, and the game began. When the familiar youth training manual rang, the students could not help dancing with the music, "follow my left hand and right hand for a slow motion, and my right hand and left hand for a slow motion replay..." Our hearts are full of happiness, our bodies are jumping with the rhythm. What lovely music it is!
At the end of the competition, we all fantasized that our class could win the first place. I feel that although the first is important, the students are really happy today, which is more important!