今天是弟弟的生日,早上起来我们就一起唱生日歌,“happy birthday to you……happy birthday to you……”弟弟也呀呀的跟着唱,我说祝你生日快乐,他跟着说祝你生日快乐,太逗了……哈哈……
Today is my brother's birthday. In the morning, we will sing a birthday song together, "Happy Birthday to you happy birthday to you……” My younger brother also sang along, I said happy birthday to you, he said happy birthday to you, too funny Ha ha...
In the evening, we went to the buffet in the food forest. My brother was very excited. I couldn't even watch him running back and forth.
It's a really fast day. I thought the birthday gift for my brother could be mailed today, but it didn't arrive. I hope it will arrive as soon as possible.