今天早上,阵阵香气扑鼻而来,吸引我起床。我急急忙忙穿好衣服跑到客厅里一看,妈妈已经准备好各种各样丰富的早餐: 面条、煮鸡蛋、炸火腿肠、蒸玉米,手抓饼。我赶紧刷牙洗脸,拿着筷子吃早饭了。
This morning, bursts of fragrance came to my nose, attracting me to get up. I hurriedly dressed and ran to the living room to have a look. My mother had prepared all kinds of rich breakfast: noodles, boiled eggs, fried ham sausage, steamed corn, and hand-held cakes. I quickly brush my teeth and wash my face. I have breakfast with chopsticks.
Our family enjoyed it and enjoyed it. Today's breakfast is the best.