Most of the time, we live happily in the world, but we are too wayward. And the reason why we are so headstrong is that we are used to it. Just because we know that our relatives love us and can tolerate us infinitely, because there is an indescribable kinship between us, but can we make use of that kinship to make use of their love and willfulness for us infinitely?
到我们慢慢成熟的时候,再回过头看自己曾经那些小时候做过的任性的事情,只会十分后悔。后悔自己曾经让自己的亲人付出了那么多,可你却什么都没有做过。哪怕很多时候我们对他们的行为十分过分, 语言上面也有些冲,可他们还是会笑着包容我们,并去做我们口中其实对他们也有一定难度的事情了。爱撒娇那可以,这是所有孩子的天性,可你总是利用别人对你的爱而去不择手段的做事情,这就不是爱撒娇了,而是任性。任性的你也总会为你的行为而负责任啊,人都是要负责任的,你今天的任性可能就会酿造成你明天的'不幸福啊。
When we grow up, we will only regret looking back at the wayward things we did when we were young. Regret that you have made your relatives pay so much, but you have done nothing. Even if we are too aggressive with their behaviors and language, they will still laugh and tolerate us, and do what we say is actually difficult for them. It's OK to love coquetry. It's the nature of all children. But you always use others' love to do things by any means. It's not coquetry, but willfulness. Willful you will always be responsible for your behavior, people are responsible, your willfulness today may be brewing into your unhappiness tomorrow.
做人还是多点理智,少点任性。别给大家都添麻烦,什么事情你都要先尝试着自己去做做看,人嘛也要养成这样的习惯,实在做不成那件事情再去让亲人朋友帮你做那还可以理解。可你总是麻烦别人, 只会降低你在别人心中的形象,毕竟什么事情都做不成的人虽然别人不一定讨厌你,可是对于这样的人,还是不值得尊敬的,只有什么事情知道做不到,还要努力尝试一下的人,才值得尊重,为了自己的生活少任性点,多努力一点,没什么大不了的!
Be more rational and less willful. Don't give everyone any trouble. You should try to do anything by yourself first. People should also form such a habit. It's understandable that you can't do that before you ask your relatives and friends to help you. But you always bother people, It will only reduce your image in other people's hearts. After all, people who can't do anything don't necessarily hate you, but for such people, it's still not worthy of respect. Only people who know what they can't do and have to try hard can be respected. It's no big deal to be less willful and more hardworking for their own life!