因为我前段时间感冒了,造成了这段时间鼻子一直不舒服。11月30日(星期五)晚上我和妈妈逛完超市出来后我流了好多鼻血,妈妈说:“明天休息我们去医院看看吧。”我当时听了马上表态说:“我不去。”在回家的路上妈妈给我讲了如果鼻子不好会影响到学习成绩的的话,我当时就用怀疑的眼神看着妈妈。妈妈说:“ 我就知道你不信,你想想看鼻子是用来呼吸的它给大脑供氧,如果鼻子不好了它就给不了大脑足够的氧气,那大脑没有了足够的.氧气记忆就会不好,那记忆不好了成绩你说会好吗?”我听后点点头说:“那我们明天去医院吧。”
Because I had a cold some time ago, which made my nose uncomfortable all the time. On the evening of Friday, November 30, my mother and I went out of the supermarket and got a lot of nosebleed. My mother said, "let's go to the hospital to have a look at tomorrow's rest." I immediately said, "I will not go." On the way home, my mother told me that if my nose is not good, it will affect my academic performance. At that time, I looked at my mother with suspicious eyes. Mom said: "I know you don't believe it. You think the nose is used to breathe. It supplies oxygen to the brain. If the nose is not good, it can't give enough oxygen to the brain. Then the brain will not be good without enough oxygen. If the memory is not good, then the performance will be good?" I nodded and said, "let's go to the hospital tomorrow."
The next day (December 1), my father and mother took me to the hospital. After seeing my mother, the doctor asked her a few words and said, "it's not very serious. If you take some ointment, drink more water and pick your nose, it will be OK soon." Mom said, "OK." After listening, I thought: it's not terrible to look at the nose.