After the test, Wang Zhengxuan's mother said that she would take us to a place to pick strawberries. When we heard the news, we were so excited that we agreed to pick strawberries together. After picking strawberries, I also clearly put one up: think twice before you go.
After half an hour's driving, I finally arrived at the destination. At one glance, I saw one tent after another tightly packed together. Wang Zhengxuan's mother said that strawberries were in the tent. I also learned that the tent could not only prevent others from stealing, but also help the growth of strawberries. After a while, we put on our "boots". I picked up the basket and rushed into the tent. I took a strawberry to observe. I saw a red strawberry. There was a small hole in the strawberry. There was a small hair on the hole. I put a strawberry in my mouth. It was delicious! There is still water in sweet and sour, it seems that there is a lot of water.
I began to pick slowly one by one, but when I saw that others had more than mine, I began to pick crazily. I only saw that it was not big. At last, others said that my money was about 100 yuan. I didn't have much money. I had my zoom together, and then I ate a pile of them, 50 yuan is the best.